Nick has a routine in the morning. I wake him up at 7 and take him down to lay on the couch. He cozies up with two blankets, his pillow and Pookie, then has some warm milk. Oh, and watches cartoons. What a life. This gives me a chance to get him up and say goodbye and gives Chris a chance to read the sports page and get a shower. But some days, I don’t wake Nick up. Like if he's been really grumpy or tired and just needs some extra sleep. Last week was one of them. Mr. Grumpy was up from 1-3 one night. Turned out to be another ear infection. Anyway, I knew he needed his sleep more than a goodbye. Problem is, when he does wake up and realizes I haven’t said goodbye, he throws a fit. So I told Chris to pop him on the phone next time. Probably 2x a month I get a call from home around 8am at work. I answer and get not a hello, but this little, tired, nasally voice saying to me “I didn’t get to say goodbye to you”. So then we have to say goodbye over the phone and explain why I couldn’t say goodbye. I’ll have to figure out how to get audio on the blog because it really is ridiculous and hilarious to hear.