Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Nick likes to play a game where he's the "man" and I'm the lady trying to buy a pet from him. So I go through my list of wants (protect my house, eat snakes, give me love, etc.) and then the man suggests pets I might like. Last night he offered me a Zhu Zhu hamster for $1. I took it and then he offered up some other pets. After telling him that I didn't want to buy anymore pets at the moment he offered "but if you buy all the pets now, I'll give you free parking!" Wow - how could I pass up that deal?! And where does this kid get this stuff?
Monday, December 28, 2009
When I was pregnant with Peri and couldn't run around with Nick I must have told him that I couldn't run because my belly was big. The other day Nick was hugging me and resting his head on my belly. Then he said "Mom, why is your belly big but you can run now?" Nice motivation to hit the gym. Thanks for the honesty bud!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Nick!
With a December 24th birthday, we usually hold his party a week or two before Christmas in the hopes that some of his friends are still around to celebrate. This past weekend we went to a Tae Kwon Do studio. It was an hour and a half of rambunctious 4-5 yr olds learning kicks and punches. That's his best bud Cooper helping him blow out the candles above.
Love the head bands!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Dumb Book
Nick goes to a Montessori school. They have a gift exchange each year to teach sharing and the act of giving. I think Nick missed the point because when I picked him up on Friday he couldn't wait to tell me (in a loud voice) about the "dumb book" he got as a gift. "I gave an awesome gift and I got a dumb book!". And I couldn't tell him "hey, don't say that" because I know how it feels to give a good gift and get a stinkin' one in return. Sigh. I guess we both have some learning to do.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Holiday Pageant
Time for the yearly Christmas pageant. The days leading up to the pageant are a bit chaotic. Buying a pair of black pants, black shoes, red sweater and tie that won't be worn again. Practicing the words to Christmas songs (at least they weren't in Swedish this year). Racing home on a Wednesday night to get two kids dressed and ready for the pageant (dinner usually doesn't happen on these nights). Beaming as you see your little bugger up on stage for all of 10 minutes.
These make me laugh. My technical skills aren't letting me upload more than one video, so 2 more videos/songs to come...
These make me laugh. My technical skills aren't letting me upload more than one video, so 2 more videos/songs to come...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cat in the Hat
Pop-pop came for a visit this past weekend. Nick was in heaven. Donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast. A Christmas shopping spree in the Target toy aisle. Hours of tv/movies. Life doesn't get much better for a four (almost five) year old. As hard as I tried to clean up after the two kids (Nick and Pop-pop), I just couldn't keep up. It was like the Cat in the Hat had come to town!
Poor Pop-pop opted for a cheap ticket with connecting flights. Many hours later he's still stuck in Atlanta. Good luck PP!
Poor Pop-pop opted for a cheap ticket with connecting flights. Many hours later he's still stuck in Atlanta. Good luck PP!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Officially the Holidays!
Every year before Thanksgiving, they have a parade for the Lights Fest. Mickey Mouse leads the parade and all the lights along Michigan Avenue come on as he passes by. We've being going for a few years now and always have a good time. Some years are chillier than others. Peri seemed to enjoy the lights. 
The crowds can get a bet intense. This year we were standing by a curb that tripped every third person. Some shots of the gang (that's gum in Nick's mouth). Not sure where Papa Jack was hiding for these.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tracey was in town this weekend! We had such a nice time with her and she didn't complain about the cold! Peri and Nick were on their better behavior, until it was time to take T to the airport. Then Peri let it all out. On Saturday, the boys went to a tree farm with some friends. Looks like they had a good time chopping down trees.

Meanwhile, the girls went for a mani/pedi, chicken potpie lunch at cafe Selmarie and a stroll through the Kindemart (warm German donuts!) Below are some laughs we enjoyed with Peri on Saturday before the boys came home. What makes a baby laugh like this? Wide eyed grunts. Oh, the things we do...
*Sorry for the loud background noise - think I had my hand over the speaker
Meanwhile, the girls went for a mani/pedi, chicken potpie lunch at cafe Selmarie and a stroll through the Kindemart (warm German donuts!) Below are some laughs we enjoyed with Peri on Saturday before the boys came home. What makes a baby laugh like this? Wide eyed grunts. Oh, the things we do...
*Sorry for the loud background noise - think I had my hand over the speaker
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Poor Nicky has a December 24th bday, which makes birthday parties a little hard since most people are celebrating Christmas with their families. So we try to have his party a few weeks before. Last year we invited his entire class. This year we limited it to 10 kids. We're going to a Tae Kwon Do studio where they're going to learn some moves! How cute!
Nick was helping me with the invites last night and I asked about inviting M. "No, he kicks girls" Nick told me. What?! Kicks girls?! Then we definitely don't want him around! Then Chris chimed in with "kisses". Huh? M kisses girls? Nick looked at me with an incredulous look and nodded his head. Jeesh- definitely don't want a girl kisser there! Too funny. M - we're still trying to get you back on the invite list - we don't hold your kissing against you like Nick does.
Nick was helping me with the invites last night and I asked about inviting M. "No, he kicks girls" Nick told me. What?! Kicks girls?! Then we definitely don't want him around! Then Chris chimed in with "kisses". Huh? M kisses girls? Nick looked at me with an incredulous look and nodded his head. Jeesh- definitely don't want a girl kisser there! Too funny. M - we're still trying to get you back on the invite list - we don't hold your kissing against you like Nick does.
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