Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boy's Night

So Chris always stocks the house up with snacks when the guys come over. A few items that always make the list: Reeses Cups, Potato Chips and Twizzlers. Nick can't remember what Twizzlers are called, but whenever he spies them in the cabinet, he get's excited for the "long, red things". Like father, like son.

On the last "boy's night", Nick was downstairs hanging with the guys when he came upstairs to tell me that he saw a man with stuff "here and here", pointing to his cheeks and chin. "A beard and moustache?" I asked. Yes. "I don't want to dream about him." Eeek! Who was this guy who'd scared Nick? The boys were playing video games, so I figured he'd seen this guy in a video game. Then I went through my head of who could be downstairs with a beard. Not Eric. Not Rob. Darryl! I bet Darryl grew a beard. I tried this idea out on Nick, but he assured me it wasn't Darryl. Those are the regular guys, so I hesitated to go down in my pjs and yell "hey, anyone down here with a beard?" just in case there was a new addition to the boy's night. Turns out there was a new addition. Kevin. Nice guy with a beard. Nick is still worried about dreaming about him.

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