Well, I balked at the pricetag of the Boba Fet costume for Nick and they were all gone when we went back to the store. Most kids don't listen to "let's go home and get it online". They want it NOW. So I give you...Darth Vadar.
And his pet chicken.
He likes to push her around in a car at Halloween parties in the burbs.
Until he pushes her so fast that she flies out the door. Evil he is.
Skinny jeans. Peri has skinny jeans. Oh yes, those fabulous folds are on full display in these stretchy pants. Does anyone watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”? Imagine Danny DeVito in his skinny jeans and you can imagine the apple shape that Peri resembles in hers. Adorable.
Last night I said I was "freezing to death" and Nick asked me to explain. Was halfway into my typical nonsense explanation when Nick interrupted with "Do you know what death is?" I asked him what it was and he said "It's when you're dead!" Good job. Then he went on to tell me that a friend at school had given him 'the death'. Huh? I asked Nick how he gave him 'the death' and Nick said "I'll show you" and popped his middle finger at me. He was so proud to share! I tried not to laugh and told him "Oh buddy, that's not 'the death'. That's something that means a bad That's a kindergarten brain trying to comprehend what 'F*#k you' means.
Not only is our little (big) guy learning to read/write, he’s learning punctuation! Think I could use a refresher there…We were working on his homework last night and I was spelling out “My favorite part was the eagle monster.” Tried to show him where to put the period and he asked me to read the sentence back to him. He then repeated it and said “Eagle monster. Eagle Monster! Why don’t we put one of those things with the line and the dot so we can make it say “Eagle Monster!”. Ah, the joy of exclamation points!
Nick loves his bedtime stories. I usually tell elaborate stories with Nick as the hero, after which he asks "Will you tell Dad to come tell me one?". So last night Chris went in Nick's room and moments later I heard peels of laughter. This is the story Chris was telling...
Once upon a time, Mommy, Daddy and all the aunts were at Grammy's house. They took a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air. They walked by a a big, scary house. Dad said "This is a haunted house." They heard a little song "when the log rolls over, we'll all be dead". They went inside and could still hear the song "when the log rolls over, we'll all be dead". Aunt Shannon and Aunt Andrea ran screaming out of the house. Then they all went to the basement. A bat flew out of a corner. Aunt Megan and Aunt Gretchen ran out. As they ran out they heard ""when the log rolls over, we'll all be dead". It was just Mom and Dad left. They went upstairs and held each other because they were so scared. "When the log rolls over, we'll all be dead". They got to the top of the stairs and Dad said "It sounds like it's coming from the bathroom". They opened the bathroom door and heard louder singing "when the log rolls over, we'll all be dead". They opened the toilet lid and there were three flies with their legs stuck in a piece of poop. "When the log rolls over, we'll all be dead".
Nick just about peed himself he was laughing so hard at this story. This is apparently what kids learn in summer camp in the 70s.
We're here. Just busy trying to keep up with life. Nick just moved onto the yellow team at hockey! Coach said his skates were smokin! Peri is doing her best robot/Frankenstein imitation and walking up a storm. Moving into the big kid room at school in two weeks! And Chris is starting his new job November 1st. Looks like more fun to come!
One of the fun things about Kindergarten is learning rhymes from the other kids. He seems to have a new one every day.
"Momma Mia, Momma Mia, baby's got the diarrhea!" "We want a pitcher, not a belly itcher" "We want a batter, not a funny ladder" (that doesn't sound right, but that's what he says)
Nick is studying Johnny Appleseed at school. Each day they're trying something new with apples. They did a taste test of different kinds of apples and turns out golden delicious are his favorite! I'm a Fiji/Braeburn kinda gal and usually only buy those, so poor Nick hasn't had the opportunity to test other apples. Jeesh - don't I feel bad for depriving him all these years.