Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Death

Last night I said I was "freezing to death" and Nick asked me to explain. Was halfway into my typical nonsense explanation when Nick interrupted with "Do you know what death is?" I asked him what it was and he said "It's when you're dead!" Good job. Then he went on to tell me that a friend at school had given him 'the death'. Huh? I asked Nick how he gave him 'the death' and Nick said "I'll show you" and popped his middle finger at me. He was so proud to share! I tried not to laugh and told him "Oh buddy, that's not 'the death'. That's something that means a bad That's a kindergarten brain trying to comprehend what 'F*#k you' means.

1 comment:

MrsAstor said...

Ha...tell Nick Aunt Lala learned to use her middle finger in kindergarten too!