Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby Dolls

So to anyone who says that gender stereotypes are learned, I saw boo. I think I told you guys how I was in the Dollar Store and Nick was eyeing all the trucks trying to figure out if he wanted the dinosaur truck or the scorpion truck. He ended up with dino. Meanwhile, Peri (who at this point had always played with Nick's fake snakes and Transformers) found a bin of dolls at her level and started squealing. $2 later we left with two happy kids. Except Peri's doll was ugly. And had no feet. And was wearing an outfit so cheap that it was already ripping.

We met Chris for dinner and he looked at the "finds" of the day with suspicion. With good reason.

So a few days/weeks later I decided to take Peri to the real toy story for a real baby. Oh, she's cute and she smells like vanilla! Peri loves her. Except she still loves her other baby too and insists on carrying them (and purple/pink elephant) around and to bed. So for Christmas, she's getting nothing but baby dolls! She might just poop herself when she comes downstairs Christmas morning. I can hardly wait!

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