Saturday, August 6, 2011


Went to the amusement park with our friends in late July. The first night we were at the park pretty late. The kids hadn't eaten dinner. We were waiting for N&C to get off the Scrambler. Peri was playing with the metal contraption that measures the height of kids to get on the ride. I looked at her and she licked the metal pole. Gag! I yelled out some firm "No! Dirty!" remarks and then Chris then looked over to see what all the commotion was about. Only to watch her do it again! Agghhh! My sweet baby licking a dirty metal pole! I moved her away from the area only to have our entire group watch her lick a trashcan. Gasp! She's never been a licker. I have no idea where this came from. Peri kisses were off limits for a day. Gag.

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