Everytime we go to Walgreen's, Nick sees a remote control helicopter and goes nutty over it. While Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop were in town over Thanksgiving, Nick and Mom-Mom went to Walgreen's to pick up Uno. And came back with a remote control helicopter. Nick was SO excited! Nick and I flew it around the house, but weren't so good at controlling it. Basically the helicopter flying from ground to ceiling in two seconds and then crashing. Chris got ahold of it and took it outside. Nick begged him not to. He'd seen an episode of Modern Family where the boys lose a remote control flying thing. I told him not to worry. So out Chris goes. And up the helicopter goes. And goodbye helicopter. REALLY?! Technically it just went over the neighbors roof and got stuck in their gutter. See the tiny spec on the right hand side?

So handyman Chris rigs up a lasso from our bedroom door. We stood on the deck and laughed (except for Nick who was crying) until he actually lassoed the thing! But one quick tug and the helicopter was just further in the gutter.

I still think the laugh was worth $20.