Friday, June 15, 2012

Everyone Poops

Everyone poops. But girls usually don’t announce it. We have certain etiquette such as leaving an empty stall between you and others in the bathroom if possible. And not blatantly announcing or making noises that would announce what you’re doing in the stall. Well, my little bathroom buddy has been calling me out recently. If Peri has to go to the restroom, I go in with her. If I have to go, she comes in with me. Last week she announced in her loud, almost-3-year old voice “Are you pooping?!” I told her no, in the hopes that everyone else in the bathroom would not know what I was up to.  I tried to quickly flush the toilet, but eagle-eyes Peri announced “Mom! You did poop!” Gee, thanks. Should we walk out front and alert everyone? This has now happened three times to me. I either need to have a talk with this girl, or save my private business for home.

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