Sunday, April 27th
Great night of sleep for everyone . Yeah!!!!! It's about time, and what a difference it makes. Nick and I headed out on our own today, to give Grammy a break. There's a series of escalators that go for miles. I'd heard that the mid-level escalators would take us all the way to my office, so Nick and I hopped on and ended up at the IFC - right next door to my office! Talk about a kid's dream - a seemingly never-ending escalator! The escalator goes down until around 10am, and then changes directions. So we were able to ride up on our way home. Most of the live-in domestic help have Sunday's off. With no-where to hang out, they congregate under the covered walkways near the IFC and escalators. Hundreds of women, with blankets or cardboard set up to mark their area. They eat, talk, play cards, give pedicures and massages to each other, read...It really is a site! I didn't know if taking a photo would be rude. A visit to the fish market on our street(yes, we go several times a day) showed us a fish being cut open and then the blood being dribbled on the other fish laying open. Ummmm-do the fresh fish really need to be made to look fresher? I'm just glad we came back without a pet this time. Those guys work 7 days/who knows how many hours. It's amazing.
For dinner we walked down to Mak's Noodle Shop, which was given to us as a "must have" while we're here. Well, we walked up and down Wong Kut street and couldn't find it. We finally stood where we thought #37 should be and the man at the door assured us we were in the right spot. Tiny hole in the wall, with very little English spoken. Two options on the menu - noodles or soup. We went with the noodles. I noticed that none of us ordered noodles with meat. No drinks or napkins offered. Everything was very good, but we all left wondering "will we get sick?" Over cautious we are.
Home by 6:30pm and exhausted. The hills are killing my calves. I forget how flat Chicago is. Nick has taken a new liking to the PowerPuff girls, as the only cartoon station we get is Cartoon Network. All asleep by 9:30pm again. Think we're finding our routine and are finally adjusting to the time difference.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 26
Saturday, April 26
Nick was up at 4:30am. Saying how hungry he was. I tried to get him back to sleep, but no such luck. By 9am, he was tired and hungry again. The makings for a grumpy day. It wouldn’t be the start of the day without a walk outside to see the fish market. The nice fish guy is always trying to talk to Nick. Today he tried to hand him a huge shrimp. Nick had none of it. So he put it in a bag with water. We have a pet! Nick was so proud. “Let’s show Grammy and eat for dinner!” Grammy claims the shrimp eyes were staring at her and the shrimp just gave me the creeps. So he’s in the trash right now. Still in his water bag. Sorry shrimpy.
Nick was up at 4:30am. Saying how hungry he was. I tried to get him back to sleep, but no such luck. By 9am, he was tired and hungry again. The makings for a grumpy day. It wouldn’t be the start of the day without a walk outside to see the fish market. The nice fish guy is always trying to talk to Nick. Today he tried to hand him a huge shrimp. Nick had none of it. So he put it in a bag with water. We have a pet! Nick was so proud. “Let’s show Grammy and eat for dinner!” Grammy claims the shrimp eyes were staring at her and the shrimp just gave me the creeps. So he’s in the trash right now. Still in his water bag. Sorry shrimpy.

We made our way to the ferry to ride to Kowloon. A super quick and cheap trip! Not sure which Nick enjoyed more, the ferry ride or watching the many construction vehicles that are working outside the docks. Kowloon was a zoo. Maybe because it’s Saturday? We spent the day shopping (Mary and I constantly asking each other “does that mean $80 or $800?”) and then lunch at the Peninsula. Nick ordered the jumbo hot dog, which was HUGE. He managed to get 2 bites in and was munching on a fry when his eyes starting to close. He ended up sleeping in his chair with his napkin used as a blanket. The people watching was even better than the lunch. Nick woke up about ½ hour later and asked for more food. We had them wrap up the rest of his hot dog. It came out in an elegant box complete with bow. Yep, that was the rest of his jumbo dog.

We tiredly made our way to the IFC market to check out the City Super supermarket we’d heard so much about. Then finally home. But then Nick and I headed out again to find water and converters. The woman at the electric store asked me the voltage of my items. Uhhhh – big? So I went home, bagged them all up and came back to the store. Turns out my hairdryer is just too powerful and it would be cheaper to buy a new dryer than a converter for it. Guess it’s time I finally admit I can’t travel with it. One of us must have called the converter a "transformer", because Nick likes to point to it and I have to explain the difference between an electric transformer and the robot/car Transformers he plays with. My eyes are very itchy today. Lack of sleep or pollution?
Nick had a total meltdown around 9pm. A few minutes later he was fast asleep, with Grammy and me following. What a day!
Friday, April 25
Friday, April 25
Nick and I started the day with a stare at the fish market and then our early Starbucks date. When the woman asked "whipped cream" today and I said "no", Nick yelled out "yes whipped cream!” I'm afraid we've started a very bad habit. Grammy met us there for her latte before I left for work. I walked behind a mouse happily skipping up the stairs.
I got a trash can at work! Anita stole it from one of the consultant’s offices, but I'm so happy. No more sneaking out my trash at night. I also found out there is an executive washroom on the floor. It appears there's a ladies room, men's room and then the co-ed executive washroom between the two. I somehow got a key and will have to pop in to see what that's all about.
Lunch at the one lunch spot I know of. Smoked salmon sandwich today. I'm still so tickled with myself that I can get there and back. It's a food court in an amazing mall - Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Armani and Michael Kors.
Cloudy again. They told me I'd know when it was air pollution. I thought it was just overcast, until Jill told me about an environmental agency website that shows air quality. Well, wouldn’t you know that the air pollution count today is high?! Guess I should have picked up on the fact that some of the clouds appear yellow...
Got home around 7:30pm to find Nick fast asleep on the couch. He apparently made it to 7pm before zonking out. Poor little guy.
Nick and I started the day with a stare at the fish market and then our early Starbucks date. When the woman asked "whipped cream" today and I said "no", Nick yelled out "yes whipped cream!” I'm afraid we've started a very bad habit. Grammy met us there for her latte before I left for work. I walked behind a mouse happily skipping up the stairs.
I got a trash can at work! Anita stole it from one of the consultant’s offices, but I'm so happy. No more sneaking out my trash at night. I also found out there is an executive washroom on the floor. It appears there's a ladies room, men's room and then the co-ed executive washroom between the two. I somehow got a key and will have to pop in to see what that's all about.
Lunch at the one lunch spot I know of. Smoked salmon sandwich today. I'm still so tickled with myself that I can get there and back. It's a food court in an amazing mall - Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Armani and Michael Kors.
Cloudy again. They told me I'd know when it was air pollution. I thought it was just overcast, until Jill told me about an environmental agency website that shows air quality. Well, wouldn’t you know that the air pollution count today is high?! Guess I should have picked up on the fact that some of the clouds appear yellow...
Got home around 7:30pm to find Nick fast asleep on the couch. He apparently made it to 7pm before zonking out. Poor little guy.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday, April 24th
Thursday, April 24
Nick woke up at 3am saying how hungry he was. Mary had taken a sleeping pill, so lucky for her she didn't hear his chatter from 3-5am. I fed him crackers in bed (hey, what can you do-it's a one room studio!) then tried my ignoring tactic. He finally fell back asleep, as did I, only to be woken by the phone at 7am. John was calling for Mary. He doesn't realize we've already become accustomed to the late morning/late nght lifestyle here. We packed up our studio this morning, as we're moving at 9:30am. Yeah!!!! The new one bedroom (sansa pull out couch) will seem downright spacious! Nick and I went out for a Starbucks date this morning before work (since our nights are so short). We had to stop and look at the fish outside our apartment. One jumped out of the bucket onto a lady. We kept our distance. Order at Starbucks got mistranslated, so Nick ended up with a hot chocolate with whipped cream. 8am sugar - glad I wont' be there when the sugar wears off.
I've turned into super tourist. Wearing my ridiculous MBT orange sneakers to/from the office. It's a big hill! I've felt dizzy ever since I arrived. Altitude? Blood clot? I thought it was just the after affects of being on a plane for 15 hours, but it's been a few days now… If I die, tell them I was feeling dizzy. Maybe it's lack of snacks? Why oh why didn't I bring some oatmeal with me?! I'll find food this weekend. There's a tea in the kitchen called Iron Buddah. Do I dare try it? Sounds like it'll make hair grown on your chest.
A HUGE bird flew by the office window today. What in the world could it have been? Looked bigger than a hawk. But the same sort of coloring. It circled the buildnig next to us. An omen? Or maybe just checking itself out in the mirrored building?
Had lunch with two of the consultants today. One Chinese and one Japanese, which proved for playful banter (I think it was playful) between the two. We went to a Cantonese style dim sum restaurant. Very elegant with wonderful food. Luckily one of the consultants ordered for us and kept in mind my aversion to red meat and pork. Lots of mushrooms, some amazing chicken (chicken with the skin-it was like heaven) and then a tubular veggie they told me was like a mushroom. It had the texture of a biodegradeable packaging tube. Lots of tea-I'm a happy camper! Lunch was purely social. When I tried to discuss business, they said we could continue at the office later. So we had a delightful discussion of our favorite foods, areas of the world and debate of how many hurricanes really hit Florida.
The past two days have been very overcast, but it has also cooled off a bit. I've been told that I'll know the difference between smog and clouds. These are apparently just clouds.
I made my way to the eatery that Emily showed me and picked up some dinner and dessert to take home to our new spacious 1 bedroom apartment! Nick was so happy when I walked in and then proceeded to have his typical 7pm meltdown. This must be a lot for a little guy to take in. He and Grammy did a ton of walking today. They went to the Zoological Garden and saw lots of birds. Apparently there are pandas further in, but they didn't make it that far. The leopard was out for medical reasons.
Nick was following me around last night as I finally unpacked by suitcase. Why is the shower bigger than the closets? And where does one hide a huge suitcase? (behind the curtain in the bedroom). I was pulling some of my toiletrees out of my dobb kit when Nick started screaming. * Warning - this story gets gross, but all is ok * I looked down to see the hook that the dobb kits hangs from is somehow in Nick's eye. HOLY S&!T! I lowered the bag, ran with him to the kitchen and tried to find a towel and ice. Think I was praying the whole time "please let him be ok, please let me be able to find 9-1-1 in Hong Kong, please let him be ok". No ice, but luckily we'd just bought some $8 popsicles. So we popped an popsicle on his eye. He finally calmed down. There wasn't blood, but a tiny bit of pink on the towel. I think the hook (which was covered in round plastic) must have got his eyelid somehow. His eyelid was a tiny bit swollen. I did a few tests to see if he could see out of it. Asked him if he needed a pirate patch (he didn't) and then we all collapsed into bed. Just to be jolted out of bed minutes later by an alarm. Sounded like a fire alarm. We stood in the hall in our pjs not knowing what to do. Do we run down 12 flights? The alarm finally went off after 2 scary minutes. We think someone just went down the fire escape and set off the alarm. After two very dramatic scenes, we collapsed into bed and said "that's enough for tonight!".
Nick woke up at 3am saying how hungry he was. Mary had taken a sleeping pill, so lucky for her she didn't hear his chatter from 3-5am. I fed him crackers in bed (hey, what can you do-it's a one room studio!) then tried my ignoring tactic. He finally fell back asleep, as did I, only to be woken by the phone at 7am. John was calling for Mary. He doesn't realize we've already become accustomed to the late morning/late nght lifestyle here. We packed up our studio this morning, as we're moving at 9:30am. Yeah!!!! The new one bedroom (sansa pull out couch) will seem downright spacious! Nick and I went out for a Starbucks date this morning before work (since our nights are so short). We had to stop and look at the fish outside our apartment. One jumped out of the bucket onto a lady. We kept our distance. Order at Starbucks got mistranslated, so Nick ended up with a hot chocolate with whipped cream. 8am sugar - glad I wont' be there when the sugar wears off.
I've turned into super tourist. Wearing my ridiculous MBT orange sneakers to/from the office. It's a big hill! I've felt dizzy ever since I arrived. Altitude? Blood clot? I thought it was just the after affects of being on a plane for 15 hours, but it's been a few days now… If I die, tell them I was feeling dizzy. Maybe it's lack of snacks? Why oh why didn't I bring some oatmeal with me?! I'll find food this weekend. There's a tea in the kitchen called Iron Buddah. Do I dare try it? Sounds like it'll make hair grown on your chest.
A HUGE bird flew by the office window today. What in the world could it have been? Looked bigger than a hawk. But the same sort of coloring. It circled the buildnig next to us. An omen? Or maybe just checking itself out in the mirrored building?
Had lunch with two of the consultants today. One Chinese and one Japanese, which proved for playful banter (I think it was playful) between the two. We went to a Cantonese style dim sum restaurant. Very elegant with wonderful food. Luckily one of the consultants ordered for us and kept in mind my aversion to red meat and pork. Lots of mushrooms, some amazing chicken (chicken with the skin-it was like heaven) and then a tubular veggie they told me was like a mushroom. It had the texture of a biodegradeable packaging tube. Lots of tea-I'm a happy camper! Lunch was purely social. When I tried to discuss business, they said we could continue at the office later. So we had a delightful discussion of our favorite foods, areas of the world and debate of how many hurricanes really hit Florida.
The past two days have been very overcast, but it has also cooled off a bit. I've been told that I'll know the difference between smog and clouds. These are apparently just clouds.
I made my way to the eatery that Emily showed me and picked up some dinner and dessert to take home to our new spacious 1 bedroom apartment! Nick was so happy when I walked in and then proceeded to have his typical 7pm meltdown. This must be a lot for a little guy to take in. He and Grammy did a ton of walking today. They went to the Zoological Garden and saw lots of birds. Apparently there are pandas further in, but they didn't make it that far. The leopard was out for medical reasons.
Nick was following me around last night as I finally unpacked by suitcase. Why is the shower bigger than the closets? And where does one hide a huge suitcase? (behind the curtain in the bedroom). I was pulling some of my toiletrees out of my dobb kit when Nick started screaming. * Warning - this story gets gross, but all is ok * I looked down to see the hook that the dobb kits hangs from is somehow in Nick's eye. HOLY S&!T! I lowered the bag, ran with him to the kitchen and tried to find a towel and ice. Think I was praying the whole time "please let him be ok, please let me be able to find 9-1-1 in Hong Kong, please let him be ok". No ice, but luckily we'd just bought some $8 popsicles. So we popped an popsicle on his eye. He finally calmed down. There wasn't blood, but a tiny bit of pink on the towel. I think the hook (which was covered in round plastic) must have got his eyelid somehow. His eyelid was a tiny bit swollen. I did a few tests to see if he could see out of it. Asked him if he needed a pirate patch (he didn't) and then we all collapsed into bed. Just to be jolted out of bed minutes later by an alarm. Sounded like a fire alarm. We stood in the hall in our pjs not knowing what to do. Do we run down 12 flights? The alarm finally went off after 2 scary minutes. We think someone just went down the fire escape and set off the alarm. After two very dramatic scenes, we collapsed into bed and said "that's enough for tonight!".
April 21-23
Monday, April 21st
Made it to Hong Kong! Got our luggage and headed out to the taxi stand. On the way a man asked if we needed a taxi. Stupidly (hey, I was tired and in new surroundings!) told him yes. Then realized my mistake and bumbled a "uh, no we're waiting for someone". He followed me to the restroom to give me his card. Bumbled some more and he finally left us alone. I know better!!
Taxi (a legit one) let us out at the top of a big hill. I left May and Nck on the side of the road with loads of luggage while I walked down the steep street/market to get our apartment keys. Fruit, ducks, fish, shoes. You name it and you can buy it on the sidewalks/street where the apartment is.
Think 750 sq feet is small? Try a studio for 3 nights while our apartment opens up. Mary and I smiled at each other and said, "I'm ok sleeping together if you are". The start to a great adventure! We're on the 11th floor for a few nights. The building doesn't have a fourth or forteenth floor. Guess it's like the US version of #13?
Went out to find the supermarket. Yes! They sell wine! Let Nick loose with a cart, which he proceeded to run into a shelf and knock over several bottles of vodka. I saved two before one broke. Ohhh, they love us there now!Nick apparently can read Chinese, as he quickly grabbed several bags of candy and said "I like these".Can't find sticks of gum. Maybe they don’t want to waste paper for the wrappers? Just have bags of chicklet like pieces of Extra. An herbal flavor that I'm dying to try, but can't tell if they chew gum here in the office. Don't want to appear to be the country American.
Had some great Thai food last night for dinner. Have to admit I wasn't sure if I should order the green curry with chicken - would it really be chicken? And what kind of chicken? But all was yummy! Nick was wound up and wouldn't sleep. Finally collapsed when we turned the lights out at 10:20pm. Then he was up at 4am saying how hungry he was. Growth spurt is here - just in time for us to be scrounging around for food in a new city.
Tuesday, April 22nd
Nick loves the shower. It's the biggest part of our apartment! Of course my 1800 watt hair dryer tried to explode the circuits. Amsterdam all over again. No matter, as it's so humid that my hair dried naturally in 20 minutes. Curly-do for the next 9 weeks - you guys wouldn't even recognize me. The shiny face has got to go. Why wasn't anyone else sweating this morning? How'd they all look so fresh-faced?
Walked out our front door to the street market. First the fresh meat being chopped. Then the fresh fish. Started to walk around a truck and almost got soaked. Realized they were pouring barrels of fish out the back of the truck into a net. The flopping fish were then off to ??? Then we saw a freshly roasted pig. Whole pig. With chinese flags stuck about it's ears. We were all amazed. And then walked right into the local Starbucks. Ahhh-such comfort. So we sat with our latte, tea, hot chocolate, muffin and fruit (had dragon fruit in it!) and then walked up the block so I could leave for work. Mary and Nick turned back after Nick and I had our goodbye hugs. He couldn’t understand why he couldn't come to work with me. Grammy lured him away with the promise of snacks at the grocery store. I then got my map out and headed to the office on foot. Lots of hills and cobble stones. But so cool. Crowded main streets. I couldn't figure out which side of the road to walk on. Work in a tall building by the water with large circles for windows. None of the lobby attendants had heard of Spencer Stuart, but luckily the directory got me to the right floor. Rode up in the elevator with a few associates and they took me to Jill, who introduced me around to the office. I have an office mate. Reminds me of life on the 6th floor.
No suits - kinda casual. No trash cans. No desk drawers - where do they hide their snacks and lip balm? They don't use a lot of paper. Very green. Do they have diet coke here? I'm hiding my trash in an envelope to sneak out with me tonight .
11:30am. I'm starving. Trying to quietly munch on a little packet of almonds and not let my officemate hear. Do they eat lunch soon???!!! Or snack at their desks? Oh thank god-it's Jill's bday and all the females in the office are taking her to lunch! First lunch in HK - Italian. Nothing offered to drink other than water. Hot water. Boiled for bugs? Food waas yummy. Thought I was beating the jet lag, but i looked in the mirror this afternoon and almost gasped. Biggest circles under my eyes. Now that's a great first impression!
Left the office a bit before 7pm. Was late meeting Nick and Mary for dinner. Went to the one restaurant we know. Again ;) Nick was so tired he had bags under his eyes and could barely keep his eyes open. But he gave me a big smile when I walked through the door :) Lots of hugs/kissing/talking of our days, "Mom, the man cut the fish!!!" and "Where's your car?", and then he layed down in the booth in the restuaruant and fell asleep. Had to carry him home, where he woke up, asked to watch cartoons and eat dinner. Two PB crackers and some juice later and he was a wound up grumpy boy! Wouldn't settle down til I asked Mary to turn out her light, after which he immediately fell asleep.
Wednesday, April 23
Nick up at 6am asking "Where's daddy?". We got dressed and hopped outside for a walk to the grocery store. Which turns out not to open til 8am. But 7-11 was open. But didn't take credit cards. So we said we'd be back, went home, came back with cash and they got our items back out for us. Turns out we bought soy milk vs milk. Nick took one sip and made a face. I tried it and made the same face. We named it chocolate water. Starbucks doesn't open til 7:30am. What do the Chinese do with their mornings?
Lunch-Emily took me to an organic market with ready-made food. Salad - yeah!!!! Alarm is going off in the office building and everyone is acting as if they don't hear it. Hmmm-wonder where the stairwells are here…You'd be proud of how calm I am. Must mean this is the real thing this time. Nope, alarm is off and we're all still alive. Thai for dinner again. Ugh. It was really good - a place Jill recommended. But three nights in a row is too much. We move into our new apartment tomorrow, so I'm so hopeful we can eat in for a change.
Monday, April 21st
Made it to Hong Kong! Got our luggage and headed out to the taxi stand. On the way a man asked if we needed a taxi. Stupidly (hey, I was tired and in new surroundings!) told him yes. Then realized my mistake and bumbled a "uh, no we're waiting for someone". He followed me to the restroom to give me his card. Bumbled some more and he finally left us alone. I know better!!
Taxi (a legit one) let us out at the top of a big hill. I left May and Nck on the side of the road with loads of luggage while I walked down the steep street/market to get our apartment keys. Fruit, ducks, fish, shoes. You name it and you can buy it on the sidewalks/street where the apartment is.
Think 750 sq feet is small? Try a studio for 3 nights while our apartment opens up. Mary and I smiled at each other and said, "I'm ok sleeping together if you are". The start to a great adventure! We're on the 11th floor for a few nights. The building doesn't have a fourth or forteenth floor. Guess it's like the US version of #13?
Went out to find the supermarket. Yes! They sell wine! Let Nick loose with a cart, which he proceeded to run into a shelf and knock over several bottles of vodka. I saved two before one broke. Ohhh, they love us there now!Nick apparently can read Chinese, as he quickly grabbed several bags of candy and said "I like these".Can't find sticks of gum. Maybe they don’t want to waste paper for the wrappers? Just have bags of chicklet like pieces of Extra. An herbal flavor that I'm dying to try, but can't tell if they chew gum here in the office. Don't want to appear to be the country American.
Had some great Thai food last night for dinner. Have to admit I wasn't sure if I should order the green curry with chicken - would it really be chicken? And what kind of chicken? But all was yummy! Nick was wound up and wouldn't sleep. Finally collapsed when we turned the lights out at 10:20pm. Then he was up at 4am saying how hungry he was. Growth spurt is here - just in time for us to be scrounging around for food in a new city.
Tuesday, April 22nd
Nick loves the shower. It's the biggest part of our apartment! Of course my 1800 watt hair dryer tried to explode the circuits. Amsterdam all over again. No matter, as it's so humid that my hair dried naturally in 20 minutes. Curly-do for the next 9 weeks - you guys wouldn't even recognize me. The shiny face has got to go. Why wasn't anyone else sweating this morning? How'd they all look so fresh-faced?
Walked out our front door to the street market. First the fresh meat being chopped. Then the fresh fish. Started to walk around a truck and almost got soaked. Realized they were pouring barrels of fish out the back of the truck into a net. The flopping fish were then off to ??? Then we saw a freshly roasted pig. Whole pig. With chinese flags stuck about it's ears. We were all amazed. And then walked right into the local Starbucks. Ahhh-such comfort. So we sat with our latte, tea, hot chocolate, muffin and fruit (had dragon fruit in it!) and then walked up the block so I could leave for work. Mary and Nick turned back after Nick and I had our goodbye hugs. He couldn’t understand why he couldn't come to work with me. Grammy lured him away with the promise of snacks at the grocery store. I then got my map out and headed to the office on foot. Lots of hills and cobble stones. But so cool. Crowded main streets. I couldn't figure out which side of the road to walk on. Work in a tall building by the water with large circles for windows. None of the lobby attendants had heard of Spencer Stuart, but luckily the directory got me to the right floor. Rode up in the elevator with a few associates and they took me to Jill, who introduced me around to the office. I have an office mate. Reminds me of life on the 6th floor.
No suits - kinda casual. No trash cans. No desk drawers - where do they hide their snacks and lip balm? They don't use a lot of paper. Very green. Do they have diet coke here? I'm hiding my trash in an envelope to sneak out with me tonight .
11:30am. I'm starving. Trying to quietly munch on a little packet of almonds and not let my officemate hear. Do they eat lunch soon???!!! Or snack at their desks? Oh thank god-it's Jill's bday and all the females in the office are taking her to lunch! First lunch in HK - Italian. Nothing offered to drink other than water. Hot water. Boiled for bugs? Food waas yummy. Thought I was beating the jet lag, but i looked in the mirror this afternoon and almost gasped. Biggest circles under my eyes. Now that's a great first impression!
Left the office a bit before 7pm. Was late meeting Nick and Mary for dinner. Went to the one restaurant we know. Again ;) Nick was so tired he had bags under his eyes and could barely keep his eyes open. But he gave me a big smile when I walked through the door :) Lots of hugs/kissing/talking of our days, "Mom, the man cut the fish!!!" and "Where's your car?", and then he layed down in the booth in the restuaruant and fell asleep. Had to carry him home, where he woke up, asked to watch cartoons and eat dinner. Two PB crackers and some juice later and he was a wound up grumpy boy! Wouldn't settle down til I asked Mary to turn out her light, after which he immediately fell asleep.
Wednesday, April 23
Nick up at 6am asking "Where's daddy?". We got dressed and hopped outside for a walk to the grocery store. Which turns out not to open til 8am. But 7-11 was open. But didn't take credit cards. So we said we'd be back, went home, came back with cash and they got our items back out for us. Turns out we bought soy milk vs milk. Nick took one sip and made a face. I tried it and made the same face. We named it chocolate water. Starbucks doesn't open til 7:30am. What do the Chinese do with their mornings?
Lunch-Emily took me to an organic market with ready-made food. Salad - yeah!!!! Alarm is going off in the office building and everyone is acting as if they don't hear it. Hmmm-wonder where the stairwells are here…You'd be proud of how calm I am. Must mean this is the real thing this time. Nope, alarm is off and we're all still alive. Thai for dinner again. Ugh. It was really good - a place Jill recommended. But three nights in a row is too much. We move into our new apartment tomorrow, so I'm so hopeful we can eat in for a change.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hi all,
I received such positive feedback from a recent email describing our first few days in Hong Kong that I will now post such musings here so for those interested in hearing more.
I received such positive feedback from a recent email describing our first few days in Hong Kong that I will now post such musings here so for those interested in hearing more.
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