Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eagle Eyes

When Nick had his eye exam this summer, the doctor told us that he'll most likely need glasses by January. His 6 year check up in December confirmed that he couldn't see diddly off the eye chart. (That appointment is another good story - a boy getting self conscious of being naked in front of others won't walk to the scale in his underwear in front of the nurse...) So off we went to our regular eye doctor a few weeks ago. Who confirmed that the boy is seeing just fine and doesn't need glasses. Maybe next year, but not now. Woo hoo! I had been gearing Nick up for glasses that day, so I was so excited to tell him he had eagle eyes and didn't need glasses. Well, he can't stop talking about his eagle eyes now. "Hey mom, I can see like six different things out of my one eye!"

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