Sunday, May 6, 2012


I got a bracelet for my birthday that Peri LOVES. The first time I wore it, she couldn't stop touching it and begged to wear it.

One night I went to a pilates class with the bracelet on, so I took it off and left it in my car. When I got home, I brought it inside, set my stuff down and went to say goodnight to everyone. I came back downstairs and the bracelet was gone. I totally remembered bringing it inside, but I still searched my car, the sidewalk, all over the downstairs. I mean, I'd only been home 30 minutes and the kids were upstairs - where could it have gone? Told C I lost it and he did the exact same search I did. Later I told C that I thought Peri had stolen my bracelet. He scoffed at how I could possibly blame a sweet two year old.

Well, next morning, I ask Peri if she's seen my bracelet and she proudly announced "Yep! It's in Nick's room!" And there in a pile of blankets is my new bracelet. Sigh.

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