Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pretty Girls

So yesterday, the boys and I spent several hours shopping. Seems they needed a little help with my Mother's Day gift. Jewelry! They finally got my hints!!! But things weren't going well. Between being ignored or followed around too closely, the salespeople were impossible. We made one last stop, but couldn't find parking. So I ran in the store while Nick and Chris waiting outside. Then I switched with Chris so he could go inside and check out what I'd seen. As soon as I got settled into the car, Nick said "Let's play 'Look at the Pretty Girls'". ??? Huh??? "How do you play that?" I asked. "You look at the pretty girls. There's a pretty girl. There's a pretty girl". So we played his game. Turns out he likes old, young, blonde, brunnette. I asked him if this is what he and Daddy played while I was in the store. Yep. Boys.

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