Sunday, May 31, 2009

Toy Money

So I've told you how Nick now gets allowance (we call it 'toy money' since allowance doesn't mean much to him) each Saturday. $1 for every day he sleeps in his bed and stays tucked in. It's been working! Downside is, when we go to the toy store, he spends a good 1/2 hour looking at everything and asking "Can I buy this? Can I buy this?" I have to point out the dollar amount on everything. No hasty decisions being made by this little one. He had his heart set on a motorcycle Transformer this week, but we made it to Target to find their Transformer section cleaned out! Poor little guy. Offered to drive to another Target, but he wasn't going to let this toy department out of his grasp. He ended up with another Ben 10 toy - Brainstorm! And I don't have to transform it!

I was smarter this time and had him hand the cashier his toy and his money. Figure we're trying to teach him the value of money and that doesn't happen if I'm putting his toys in with all the other junk we buy at Target. He handed her $7 crumbled up dollars and was so confused when she gave him change back. I explained that 2 quarters and a penny could get him a tatoo at the candy machines. Walking outside, he was walking so tall and said "I'm so happy!"

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