Winter skating is over, and Nick had his first ever award ceremony last night. And received his first ever trophy! He and his skating friend Cam were running around acting silly. Then the awards started. Nick didn't seem too interested. Until they called his name. We cheered, he went up to get his award and came back with that bashful, embarrassed, proud look on his face. So cute.
How did he get up to get his trophy so fast, you ask? Well, PJ got there an hour early and secured the front/center table. Right in front of the coaches table. Made it a little hard to sneak out early to get Peri to bed.
Photos here from when Chris/Nick got home after the ceremony. Note to self - all other kids wear sport coats to award ceremonies...and we thought we were being smart by bringing a collared shirt for him to change into. Living and learning.
Nick took his trophy to school for Show & Tell on Friday. So proud!