Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Face Ball

Nick wishes Peri were old enough to play with him. Peri wishes Nick would play with her.

Last weekend I got sucked into the basement to watch Transformers with Nick while C watched the Olympics hockey game. We brought Peri down with us. Nick lost interest in the movie when he saw all of his toys. I am so movie deprived that I got totally sucked into watching Megan Fox and figuring out which were Autobots and which were Decepticons. And Peri was having so much watching big brother kick the ball off the walls...until one smacked her in the face and knocked her right off her boppy!

Nick made up for it and played ball with her. She was so happy! I couldn't get my camera/video in time to capture the laughter, but got a few smiles after.

1 comment:

Shannon Fitzgibbons said...

she is changing so fast. too cute, I can't wait to come visit!!!