These are the shots that didn't make it on the Christmas Card. These are actually kinda cute. I'll find the ones that weren't.
Merry Christmas!
We went to an out of town wedding a few weeks ago. We brought the kids but got a sitter for them during the reception. Adorable 13 year old boy who came recommended from family in the area. Nick was excited to have a boy to play with. Peri, not so much. So it shouldn't have been a big surprise when the sitter called to say Peri had pooped and refused to let him change her diaper. Chris told him if her could stand the smell then just leave it til we got there in a few hours. You cannot believe the smell that followed her up the stairs when we got there. No idea how the boys lasted that long!
My dad came in town this week to spend the last week before school with Nick and Coop. From what I can tell there was lots of sugar, movies, potty jokes and fun.
Yes, I realize these photos are sideways. I'm trying to blog on my phone...
Headbands. P’s hair is out of control. We’ve tried barrettes/bows but they just come out and end up all over the house/car/school. Even her teacher finds them in her pockets. Pigtails are cute, but those mini rubber bands are a pain to get out at night. That’s why sometimes you’ll find P wearing 3 day old pigtails. Yes, that also means P doesn’t get her hair washed every night. So we went with headbands. And she loves them! Has to point out anytime she sees a person or picture wearing a headband.
One of the perks of having a Papa Jack who works at the museum is that he can get you insider tours! Nick and his friend C spent a recent day off school with Grammy and PJ and got to hold a tarantula!! It looks like the man is holding the spider, but he's holding N's hand, who's holding the spider. Guess in case N freaked and dropped him.
What started as Hong Kong Heather has morphed into Ridiculous Nicholas (an update of life with Nick), which has since morphed into Nick and Peri.