Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bird Eater

He's growing out of it, but Nick has been a bird eater for the past year or so. (Could it have anything to do with the amount of snacks he eats?!). Seriously, his belly is the size of an apple, so there's only so much lunch and dinner that will fit in there.

Well, we headed to Gino's East for some deep dish pizza before our ice skating adventure last weekend. We ordered our drinks (diet coke with lime for me, water for C and Sprite for Nick). But he firmly let us know he didn't want a Sprite. I couldn't find the waitress to let her know the change. So when the drinks came, Nick grabbed my D. Coke and stuck me with the Sprite. Inthe kiddy cup with a bendy straw. Luckily Chris requested a kiddy diet coke for Nick so we could all have what we wanted. Is it better to give the kid diet soda or real soda with high fructose corn syrup? The waitress then brought us our small pizza with four deep dish slices in it. Enough for us all. She asked if Nick could handle his own piece and we said "Sure, why not." Well, that stinker proceeded to eat the entire piece and ask for some of the last piece. Where he put it, we don't know. I smell a growth spurt.

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