Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Secret

So every family has a family secret. So imagine our surprise when we went to Nick's school a few weeks ago and found out he'd been blabbing ours all around town. We asked the teachers to hold onto it for a while, but now we can share with everyone...we're having a baby! Baby Nordloh is expected to arrive July 20th. Fun fun! We made a few phone calls last to family last night and Nick was supposed to say "I'm going to be a big brother. We're having a baby". Instead, the first try came out as "My mommy's having a baby. It's got a penis." We don't know if it has a penis, but looks like Nick might want a brother.

1 comment:

MrsAstor said...

Yeah!!!! I'm ssssooooo excited. Nick might know somthing we don't!