Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sugar High!

So we're trying to give up sugar at our house for a few weeks. We all eat way too much of it and it wouldn't kill us to kick the sweet tooth for a while. With a day off for my Birthday :) Thinking it'll give us all a bit of an energy/healthy boost that we all need. One of the suggested methods for overcoming a sugar urge is to drink a glass of water and eat a piece of fruit. The boys are trying this out with me, so last weekend Nick would say "I need water and a piece of fruit." He'd down both and then say "Now can I have some sugar?" Ha! Slowly getting the point. The boys came home from the grocery store and Nick was so happy to tell me how they'd bought healthy snacks! Too cute. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this sugar deal eliminated some of the mood swings (for all of us?)

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