Saturday, February 6, 2010

Guessing Game

Nick took his first trip without one of us! Grammy and Nick took a jaunt to New York to see Charles and Annabelle last weekend. They had a great time and Nick was so excited to tell us all they did.

Seems his mind moves a bit faster than his ability to capture new words. So we often play a game I like to call "guessing game". Goes something like this:

N: "Mom. Do you know what I ate in NY? It was black and red. Do you know what it's called?"
H: "Um, no. Was it sushi?"
N: "Yes! That's it! I ate a lot!"

N: "Hey guys, at school we learned about these little things inside your head. Do you know what they're called?"
H: "Brains?"
N: "No, they're really little"
C: "Hair follicles?"
N: "Yes! That's it!"

N: "You know what else I had in NY? What are those round things? They come in cinnamon sometimes"
H: "Pancakes?"
N: "No. Big and cinnamon..."
C: "Bagels?"
N: "Yes! And what's that white stuff you put on it?"

N: "I drew a picture for Cooper. What are those birds that are black with some blue and have small wings?"
H: "Teradactyl?"
N: "No, not a dinosaur. They're medium and black"
H and N go back and forth and back and forth...
N: "Something can"
H: "A can bird?"
H: "Toucan!"
N: "Yes!"

Yes, these are actual conversation that took place this weekend. And no, he's not testing us. He really can't remember what these things are called. I'm amazed that we can usually guess it correctly within a few tries, given the vague hints he uses.

guessing game - ate this. black with red. sushi? little things under your skin in your head? brain? hair follicles? you're never gonna believe this. cooper can read! round things. sometimes wiht cinnamon.pancakes? bagels!

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