Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hannah Montana

Nick does not like Hannah Montana. Think it's only because the girls at school love her, so he associates it with girls. And five year old boys thing girls are gross. But I'm curious how we've seen so many episodes of Hannah Montana at our house...

Anyway, Chris and I were grocery shopping a few months back. It's what we do when we get an hour alone - weeeee! And we say Hannah Montana cereal. Which is really just purple, pink and red crunch berries put into a package with her photo on it. Anyway, I thought it would be funny to buy it for Nick. Chris questioned whether Nick would think it was funny.

We brought it home, told Nick we got him a surprise and pulled out the cereal. The chin dropped and the lip was quivering. We quickly recovered with, "We're just teasing you. We bought this for mom!" Oh yes, anything girly and I get it.

Nick was still a bit upset until he asked, "Hey mom, you going to eat some of that? Can I try a little?"

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