Saturday, March 28, 2009

Live & Learn

WARNING - the following story is totally gross and Chris in no way endorses me posting it.

So Nick and I were laying in bed reading the other night. Nick told me his bum itched so I told him to scratch it. I kept reading the book and then the following conversation took place.

N: Mom, did you know that if you stick your finger in your butt it stinks? (Saying this with his finger near his nose)
H: Oh my god. Did you stick your finger in your butt?
N: Yep.
H: Out of bed and to the sink. Sigh...


MrsAstor said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaahaaa....hahahahahahahahaa... Oh how I can't wait for girls weekend!

Rani and Kurt Cerny said...

Oh my, we are rolling on the ground laughing!!