Thursday, August 14, 2008

Brown Bag

Summer fun at school continues! Today was Picnic Day and everyone had to bring a lunch. Thank god I looked at the calendar this am, or little man would have been SOL. Some of you have heard how my mom used to make my breakfast every morning growing up. Buckwheat pancakes were the best! Well, she would also pack my lunch and include a little note on my napkin. Just something nice like “Have a great day. I love you! Mom”. So I’ve been writing Nick napkin notes on the days he has to take a lunch. Not that he can read, but hopefully someone is reading it to him ;) I drew a train on today’s napkin. So what does a three year old ask for in their lunch? Batman snacks and potato chips. What does his lunch bag really contain? A juice box, apple, PB on Ritz Crackers, baked chips and Batman snacks. What will he eat? Batman snacks and chips. Maybe a few bites of apple.

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